As an independent Islamic institution, IQRA’ ACADEMY has set its educational philosophy, goals and objectives according to the teachings of Islam. In order to fulfill the stated philosophy, goals and objectives, the personnel must be qualified to meet the high standards of Islamic character and standards set forth by IQRA’ ACADEMY. IQRA’ ACADEMY is an equal opportunity employer.
The process of personnel selection is determined by:
- Islamic character traits and a demonstrated interest in the overall welfare of the students,
- Educational background and experience,
- Availability, and
- In the case of returning teachers, past performance
After needs assessment, the process of personnel selection is the responsibility of the School Board Chairman, and the Principal in consultation with the hiring committee. The steps taken are as follows:
- Reviewing resume and proof of credentials
- Reviewing three letters of recommendation
- Reviewing letter of intent and Islamic educational philosophy
- Conducting a personal interview
- Establishing the applicant can work legally in the United States
- Discussing applicant’s qualifications and salary requirements with the School Board
- Seeking guidance from Allah (سبحانه و تعالى )