The Prophet (صلي الله عليه و سلم ) said: “Each of you is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock. A man is responsible for his family and his flock.” -Reported by al-Bukhari
As a school, our goal to bring quality Islamic education, at a reduced tuition to low income families. This can only be achieved through the generous donations we receive from people like you.
Supplementing for one of our Tuition Assistant students is considered Sadaqah Jaryiah (a continuous charity in this life and in the hereafter) as you are contributing to their Islamic education. Help your community or surrounding community by giving these children the opportunity to not only learn Arabic Qur'an and Islamic Studies full-time but also learn in a healthy, caring and nurturing environment.
Please help us stay afloat for the children in our community. Any size contribution will help.
Jazak Allahu khairun!